Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Why Not a Cat Post?

So I am lucky to be married to a fella that has amazing taste (he likes the redheads), likes the same movies and TV shows as me, and is all around the best...but sadly, he has one flaw, he is allergic to cats (and dogs, but who cares). So while I love Chase more than anything, I also happen to love all cats that ever were and are and will be. Which means that I show the ultimate devotion to my wonderful husband by not petting every cat I see and relegating all my cat love to the Internet.

 *Taken from Pinterest, in case APA formatting comes up.

"You had me at Meat Tornado..."

I'm going to lay it all out right here. I think one of the best shows on TV right now is Parks and Recreation. And I think this for a number of reasons, which I will describe further. Keep in mind, this is all opinion, so you are welcome to let me know if yours differs.

First off, Parks and Rec has excellent character design and progress. Not only do you like the characters, even though they are flawed, but you also see them change and progress in a fairly logical and realistic manner. I don't want to post spoilers, so man, just believe me, there was a great moment this last week which wouldn't have happened in some of the current sitcoms that feel like characters can't be together or the audience will lose interest. I like shows like Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory, but it is the same story and characters season after season. You would think that by now, the audience knows that Cam and Mitchell fight all the time and that Gloria is loud, let's try something new.

"In my defense, it was my birthday, and I wanted to do it."

Next reason, re-watchability. Chase and I have been going back through the seasons of Parks and Rec, and they are still great and funny the second time. We couldn't get past Ben calling Perd Hapley, "Turd Crapley." A great show is one you want to go back to over and and over again.

Lastly, it is not Walking Dead, which is overrated and boring for 3/4 of the show and then zombies and then a cliffhanger. Come on Walking Dead, get it together.

Of course, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Homeland, and Vampire Diaries are also amazing, so maybe I'll dedicate something coming up to those. Stay tuned...

And in honor of Ron Swanson, who doesn't want anyone getting too chummy with him, have a great day...Christine.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I was in Portland for the past five days for my doctoral residency. I enjoyed meeting others from my doctoral program and getting a clear idea of where to go and what to do next for the dissertation. *And get ready to hear a lot about the dissertation, this is the perfect venue to throw ideas out there and get my thoughts into some order that doesn't resemble the Death Star at the end of A New Hope.*

So aside from the blah, blah school stuff, there was a great mall down the street with H&M and all kinds of fancy stores we don't always see in Salt Lake. I have a theory about H&M. I first went in San Francisco years ago and never dreamed of having two so close at hand in Utah. However, I still miss the exclusivity of not having one for everyone to shop at, then I was special when I got to visit and bring home fancy H&M clothes. So I still like visiting one whenever I am in another city.

There is also a famous doughnut shop in Portland, Voodoo Doughnuts. I feel like it might be run by people with the same type of immature sense of humor I have. They have a doughnut called, Cock N' Balls, which is literally in the shape of, well... (I did not include a picture of that one, just the box).

All in all, Portland wasn't half bad. I like places I can walk with smaller blocks and lots of concentrated options and stores. It is something we don't experience in Salt Lake. However, two and half months into being married is not a good time to go on a trip without your spouse. I spent a lot of my time talking to Chase, texting him, and pretty much just missing him. While I suspect he missed me (he did tell me, so it's really a guess), as well as owning 12-year olds on Black Ops and vacuuming, which makes him not only the sexiest gamer, but husband! Booyah!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

We need to go back...back to the future!

Chase and I have been married now for almost three months. I've been in a doctoral program for double that time. Chase has had a new job in photography and image editing for double that time. Things just keep progressing, so the next step is obviously to write about it.
I want to showcase Chase's skills as a photographer, while talking about my dissertation, upcoming writing projects (shout-out to a co-authored book), anything else that crosses my mind, and cats, which I will always find time to include.