Saturday, June 22, 2013

Moooooon Lake

A few weekend ago, we packed up our mountain bikes and camping gear and went to Moon Lake in the Uintas. Chase loves the Uintas and was excited to get out there and for us to use our new bikes!

We went with Chase's brother and some friends of his. Everyone was really nice and friendly, and we enjoyed getting to know new families. Apparently, they go every summer for a few camping trips and we are now part of the group, so we'll see what adventures come next.

This was the first trail we rode. I am not an experienced mountain biker and we hit some rough patches, but it was fun. I'll get better and own the mountains soon!

We got to take a boat around the lake and then spend some time on the beach. I had some school readings to complete, but the scenery made it pretty easy.

Camping has its benefits. Fires every night, sleeping in a bit, and great scenery. It was a good weekend!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Dirty Birds

With my work, WGU, I ran the Dirty Dash on Saturday. We were the Dirty Birds and it was pretty fun. This is the second year of running and Chase was able to come and be the dirty photographer.

This is the clean-off picture and disgust, as that water was incredibly cold!

Monday, June 3, 2013

Do the Wave

So the Wave is a hike on the border of Utah and Arizona and is a permit-only area. Chase and I were lucky to get some permits for this last weekend and drove down. Chase was in heaven, there is no way you can take a bad picture at the Wave.

For example...

It was incredibly hot, so I don't look particulary fashionable in the pictures. However, I do enjoy the Willie Nelson hair look. Chase obviously looks good as usual.

One thing that I did enjoy was meeting a couple from Germany, another from Israel, and an older guy from Long Island. It's amazing how one small space ended up being a U.N. representation. Nature is a the world's common interest.